Network Attached Storage & Backup

NAS & Backup


Network Attached Storage

NAS, also known as Network Attached Storage, is a cloud storage device that is well-connected to the business network and allows data storage and retrieval facilities to authorised users as well as heterogeneous clients. This is done through a centralised location.

SMEs looking for new and innovative storage solutions, then you might want to consider investing in NAS Network-Attached Storage Devices. NAS cloud storage devices are becoming popular among small business owners for all the right reasons.

  • 1. NAS Network-Attached Storage offers users a private cloud storage system in the business premises, making it much faster and affordable, and that too, with a plethora of benefits of a public-cloud onsite, while giving you full-control.
  • 2. It is a cloud storage device that enables you to access information and business data from anywhere at any time. It can be accessed by a remote network connection.
  • 3. For demanding storage needs, NAS makes a great choice. NAS storage devices are both flexible and can be scaled according to your storage needs with ease.
  • 4. Additionally, these are best for creating backups of data and are accessible whenever needed.
  • 5. It is a centralised business data storage facility which makes it a safer and reliable way to save private, crucial and confidential business data.
  • 6. It can be accessed easily by authorised users, making it simpler for users to collaborate with other peers in the network, respond to clients and customers timely and follow-up on sales and handle practically all kinds of issues efficiently as all information is accessible at one location.



Important business data loss due to any reason viral infection, natural disaster, system breach or hacking attack can impact your business badly and negatively, especially if you don’t have any back-up solutions integrated in your IT landscape to retrieve the lost data. Your inability to recover and restore sensitive business data can lead to serious financial losses, result in business discontinuity and damage your market reputation.

To avoid being in such a situation, consider investing in our database management backup solutions to protect your valuable data and ensure business continuity no matter what. At Brin Systems LTD , we specialize in backup solutions, data protection, data replication and data recovery (disaster recovery services). We can develop and implement a well-rounded and reliable data backup in the shortest time. With backup solutions, you can enjoy the peace of mind that your data is safe and easily retrievable in case of any emergency. It provides you a contingency plan protecting your business from financial loss, penalties related to regulatory non-compliance and workflow inefficiency.